Programming with event loops

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People new to working with event-driven programming in general, and event loops in particular, often seem to have a hard time figuring out how to run their code when it needs to be run. For example, the event loop in Twisted is called the reactor (or perhaps more accurately, the event loop is part of the reactor). The reactor can be started and stopped, but the catch is that the current implementation only allows you to start one reactor once per process. Once you’ve stopped it, it can’t be started again. Now, this is really just an unfortunate consequence of two historical design artifacts; the reactor is a global singleton, so you can only have one, and it doesn’t manage the process-global state well enough to be able to start again once it has stopped. However, while it would be nice for those two issues to be fixed, the reality is that the usual answer to “how do I stop and start the reactor more than once?” is “you don’t need to, and you don’t want to.”

The idea of an event loop is, roughly, “don’t call us, we’ll call you”. When an event occurs, the event loop takes care of dispatching that event to the relevant code in order to handle the event. While there may be some layers of library / framework between your application code and the low-level event handler, ultimately it’ll usually be some part of your application code that gets invoked in response to the event. This means that instead of writing your program in the style of “do A, then do B, then do C”, you write it in a way that looks more like “when X happens, do A; when Y happens, do B; when Z happens, do C”.

So, how do you kick things off? If you fire up an event loop without doing anything else, generally no events will ever occur / be received, and so your program will just run forever doing absolutely nothing. Thus, in the startup phase of your program before you start the event loop, you will need to perform some operations that will cause events to be received later on. For example, an HTTP server would probably want to open a socket and start listening on port 80; alternatively, you might have some time-based event, along the lines of “run this code every 30 seconds”. The startup phase is not the only time that you can set your event sources up; you can also do this in any of your application code that handles other events that occur. For example, your web server might open a connection to a database server when it receives a request for a certain URL.

That’s really all there is to it; figure out which event sources you need to set up intially before you run the event loop, and figure out what other events will occur during the lifetime of your application that would require setting up additional event sources, no matter what those event sources might be (making connections, starting timers, completion of a prior operation, etc). While this post may be slightly Twisted-specific, the concepts are pretty general: any decent event loop will necessarily allow both cases (initial setup, and additional operations while the event loop is running). The key is to think of your application as code run in response to events, not just a linear series of operations.

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