Debian Project Secretary resigns

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Manoj Srivastava, Debian Project Secretary since April 2001, has resigned.

I'd like to disclose up front that I am not (yet) a Debian Developer, but I have been involved with the project for quite a few years now, initially as a user, then later as maintainer and co-maintainer of various packages.

Throughout my involvement with the project, I have continued to be impressed by Manoj's conduct, both in his personal capacity, and in his official capacity as Project Secretary and the duties that form part of that position (mainly running votes). Up until recently, I had thought that the rest of the project held a similar view, but apparently certain individuals disagree.

Whatever disagreements anyone might have with how Manoj has handled certain votes, I don't think someone that has faithfully served the project for nearly 9 years deserves this kind of personal, in-your-face vitriol; if you don't like the way someone is doing their job, there are far more constructive ways of expressing your disagreement than burning them at the stake, and I am ashamed to be associated with any individuals who were involved in this. I know there are many others who share my respect for Manoj, despite disliking some of the decisions he has made; they're capable of disagreeing without resorting to personal attacks, so this clearly isn't impossible.

Manoj (if you ever read this), I hope this whole affair has not caused you too much personal pain or anguish; please know that many of us out here have nothing but respect for the time and effort you've donated to the project, and I wish you well in your future efforts, wherever they may lie.

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